Our Logo

Our Logo is called an "Opon", which is a Divination tray representing the Universe that is utilized in IFÁ, AFA, FA and other African traditions. It has 8 arrows that collectively represent the expansion of Energy and Consciousness within the Universe. The arrows individually represent the expression of consciousness called "Odu". The 8 individual Arrows are double sided totaling 16 Points which reference the 16 Major Odu known as the 16 Meji's. Each Odu has an exponential amount of Knowledge and Wisdom of the Universe and all of its capabilities.

There are 4 symbols on the Opon itself and they are as follows, at the top "Esu" which represents IFÁ-Orisa tradition, on the Right side The "Star" which represents the Celtic/Wicca tradition and Islamic faith, the Bottom side is the "Lotus" which represents Buddhism and Hindu and on the left side is the Cross which represents Christianity. Although We support every Denomination, Faith, Spirituality and Religion it is not practicable to have all symbols represented on this Logo.

The idea is to show that there is more than one single path or way to express and understand Spirituality in all of its forms and expressions.

This Logo and it’s variations are jointly utilized to Officially represent both Egbe Apparel LLC. And EGBE IRÉ ÀWO INC. We hope that when you purchase our Logo products that you proudly feel this expression of openness, acceptance and love for each option there is for Mankind. May the Expansion of Consciousness for the betterment of Creation be with you all. Light and Blessings!